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Research and Insight

Feb 27, 2025

Identifying Unmet Needs: How SANI Captures a Niche Market in the U.S.

Identifying a niche market is essential before launching a business. Unmet needs exist and consistently emerge as consumer demands evolve with societal changes. Successful entrepreneurship often comes from capturing a niche market rather than competing in oversaturated markets. This article presents a good example: the fashion brand SANI, which caters to South Asian fashion  in the United States.  

Dec 10, 2024

Is Your Brand Ready for State-Level EPR Laws on Sustainable Packaging?

Written by Hyesim Seo & B. Ellie Jin EPR for Packaging and Paper Products in the U.S. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging and Paper Products (PPP) targets the management and accountability of packaging materials and paper products throughout their lifecycle (Sustainable Packaging Coalition, 2024). Under EPR laws for PPP, producers are required to register… 

Jul 26, 2024

Generative AI in 2024: Adoption Trends and Major Use Cases in the Fashion Industry

Now in 2024, generative AI has moved beyond being merely a novelty. Organizations are not only learning about its potential but are genuinely embracing this emerging technology and reaping substantial business value from it. How are companies currently harnessing generative AI, especially within the dynamic realm of the fashion industry? 

Mar 15, 2024

Filter By Fabric: Empowering Informed Fashion Purchase Decisions

By 2030, 73% of clothing is projected to be of synthetic, plastic origins (Trunk et al., 2021). It’s undoubtedly of great global concern that our synthetic clothes will haunt our planet for up to 200 years, long after our lifetimes, to leave a disastrous environmental legacy inherited by our grandchildren and beyond.  

Dec 8, 2023

Circular Fashion Tomorrow: Leading Fashion Brands’ Eco-Forward Moves – Part 2 

Part 1 of the series covered the EU’s circularity legislation for the textile sectors. As discussed, the adverse environmental impacts of a linear fashion system are evident in the limited rates of reuse, repair, and fiber-to-fiber recycling of textile products (European Commission, 2022). Following Part 1, this article will explore the initiatives implemented by fashion brands in the realms of recycling, reuse and repair (Table 1). 

Nov 28, 2023

Influential K-Culture: Enhancing Korea’s National Image and Cultivating Global Consumers’ Acceptance

Culture holds tremendous influence, capable of significantly influencing other countries. Traditionally, popular culture predominantly flowed from the West to the East. However, there is a notable reversal of this with Eastern culture, particularly from South Korea, now taking center stage. 

Nov 17, 2023

Circular Fashion Tomorrow: EU’s Government-Led Legislative Mandates – Part I

With growing ecological concerns, fashion companies bear increased responsibility for environmental sustainability. A linear system in fashion production, distribution, and utilization is the underlying cause of negative environmental impacts. 

Oct 3, 2023

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Universal Standard and Warby Parker Stories

Often, the seeds of entrepreneurship are not sown from grand ideas but rather from simple, daily life problems. Entrepreneurial journeys frequently begin with an individual’s personal challenges. Absence of products or services that help solve their challenges and their subsequent desire to solve them serve as strong motivation to embark on a brand. 

Sep 22, 2023

Generative AI in the Fashion Industry: Are you Embracing it?

In the ever-evolving world of fashion, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force with the potential to transform the industry in unprecedented ways. AI, in simple terms, refers to technology, often in the form of computer programs, designed to replicate the human brain's ability to perform tasks and continuously improve. Within the realm of AI technology, Generative AI, powered by deep learning algorithms, has begun to create a significant impact on fashion brands. 

Sep 20, 2023

Greenwashing: Behind the Scenes of Sustainable Fashion

With growing concerns about environmental problems, today’s consumers are increasingly conscious of sustainable consumption and fashion companies have been making efforts to adopt environmental claims to live up to consumers’ expectations.